Since I’m not sure how much longer the National Institutes of Health and its PubMed website will exist, I’m sharing links to recent XLH research here. (I’m also worried about the continued existence of, but I’ll address that next week.) Some may be duplicates, but in the past I’ve been able to use links to PubMed’s database, and I can longer rely on that database existing, so I’m using publisher-specific links here instead.
“XLH Matters: an evolving programme to discuss new advances and share clinical experiences to improve patient outcomes”
“18F-Sodium Fluoride PET/CT as a Tool to Assess Enthesopathies in X-Linked Hypophosphatemia”
“Clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of X-linked hypophosphataemia”
“Systematic Review: Efficacy of Medical Therapy on Outcomes Important to Pediatric Patients with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia”
“Nephrocalcinosis tendency does not worsen under burosumab treatment”
Impact of stopping burosumab treatment at the end of skeletal growth in adolescents with XLH”
“The [dental] care of the patient with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets”
“Midfoot and Forefoot Disorders in Adolescents and Adults with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia”
“Lower limb maltorsion and acetabular deformity in children and adolescents with X-linked hypophosphatemia”
“Treatment Advances in Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia”
Please note that the author is a well-read patient, not a doctor, and is not offering medical or legal advice.
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