Another short post this week, because while I did finally finish the manuscript yesterday and sent it off to my beta reader, my brain is now mush. But I can’t miss the chance to let you know that the American Society for Bone & Mineral Research (ASBMR) — one of the two professional organizations that…
National history study data!
Another short entry this week (the editing gremlins haven’t totally won yet, but it’s close), this time about the natural history study happening in Europe. “The International XLH Registry: first interim analysis” just establishes baseline data about its almost-600 participants (half of what they hope to eventually include eventually), so there’s nothing terribly surprising (to…
Transition to adult treatment
Apologies for not posting last week (and a little late this week). I’m facing down a deadline for my day job (manuscript for a book that will release next summer), and it had to take priority. I’ve got another week to go before the manuscript is done, so this week’s entry will be brief, but,…
Yeah, say that three times fast! (And wish me good luck with typing it a bazillion times in the following paragraphs.) So we all know that elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are common in the chronic hypophosphatemia community. They can be high even before starting treatment, although most often, the elevation appears to be triggered…
Good news, revisited
I hope you had a lovely, long Labor Day weekend (if you’re in the U.S., and if not, i hope you had a lovely regular weekend)! So in the hope of continuing the good vibes, how about a few tidbits of good news in the hypophosphatemia community today? First, I’m really impressed by how (relatively)…
Really good advocacy work
My natural inclination (reinforced by law school) is to look for problems in everything I read or observe. It’s a hard habit to break, but I try to remind myself to spend equal time supporting good work. So let me tell you about the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Europe (OIFE). Now, before you stop reading, yes,…
Recent journal articles
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about just how many medical-journal articles have been published in the last five years about XLH and/or the related chronic hypophosphatemias. Used to be, if someone needed an article about XLH, the only one I ever recommended was “The Clinician’s Guide to XLH.” (It’s still good as a basic…
Occupational therapy
Wait, don’t skip this post, because you think you don’t need occupational therapy (OT)! It’s not what you think! OT can help with any activity that “occupies” your time, not just the ones you get paid for. Think of it more like “Daily Activity Therapy,” instead of OT, and you’ll see why it could be…
What my father knew
When I queued up last week’s blog, it struck me that it would go live on my father’s birthday. Unfortunately, he’s no longer with us to celebrate the day, having died young, almost thirty years ago. It got me to thinking about how much has changed for me and the hypophosphatemia community since then. The…
The truth is out there!
One of the big challenges for rare-disorder patients is that even after we finally get an effective treatment, we still have an uphill battle to convince clinicians (and insurers) to prescribe it. Approval by the FDA (or the EMA in Europe) confirms that it’s basically safe and effective when used for the relatively short period…